
Friday, November 14, 2014

A Trip to Schaffhausen, or A Little Fall of Rhine

In case you were wondering....

Yes, I am completely exhausted all the time. Yes I'm sure of the reason. Too many people all the time. Not enough recharge. Need....smaller groups....books....movies.....gah....recharge me....please....

So except for the next two weekends, I am basically done with traveling for the rest of my time here in Switzerland. I feel like I should not be as excited about that as I am, but....tired. So very tired...Packing this many trips into so few weekends is a chore for anyone. Packing this many trips into so few weekends with this many people (or any people, really) interacting with plus work for 40 hours a week (all the people) is especially draining for the introvert, I feel. Especially since I share my apartment with my landlady (No escape! The fact that I do a little victory dance when I know that she's not home when I get home is how pathetic I am.).

But last weekend, in an effort to use the most of my days on my rail pass (I paid for 6, I got seven, but I've used 6. I'm okay with that.) I took a trip to Schaffhausen, a small town in the Northeast of Switzerland, a little over a half hour's walk away from Rheinfall, the largest waterfall Europe. It was a short trip, and one I was glad I took.

I realize now that I take and add a lot of pictures to this blog....oh well. These above are of the actual town of Schaffhausen, which, fun fact, around the giant fortress things is a sort of kind of old moat thing. It's now drained of any water (if it ever had water--I am a little fuzzy on that fact) and is now home to Schaffhausen's own herd of deer. Yup. Deer. And not the cute short ones you can find in Japan who supposedly bow when you feed them (or attack you and bite you in the all depends...not that I speak from experience)--no, these deer are the proper big ones that we have everywhere else. I don't know where Japan got the mini variety, but they did. Luckily, however, the people of Schaffhausen are sensible and keep their deer and their people/tourists away from each other. No deer incidents occurred on this trip.

After walking around the town for awhile and sketching in some of the dying afternoon light, I walked back to my room (courtesy of airbnb) and relaxed for a little while. But before I got there I stopped at an American candy story (Jelly Bellies!!!) and an artisanal chocolatier's (two opposite ends of the spectrum). At the chocolatier's (Thomas Muller, for those wondering) I bought myself some macarons, because, MACARONS! Yum. I got myself champagne and hazelnut flavored, and can I just say--I've no idea whether the champagne macaron tasted like actual champagne (I believe it was a combination of a strawberry cookie and a chocolate frosting, but both were such delicate flavors...Oh, I want another) but it was probably the best macaron I've had so far.

So after my break I went out for dinner. I went to this little place my hosts recommended, and had a traditional dish of the area: Wildschweinpfeffer. Which is wild pig in Pfeffer (a traditional sauce of the area, I was told) sauce. With spaetzle and red cabbage....oh it was good. Some of the best red cabbage I've had. good....I'm literally hungry again after eating my kind of crappy dinner just thinking of it....

The next morning I had a late/lazy start, but eventually made the walk and my way to Rheinfall. It was a very pretty walk, and the falls were pretty awesome. I'll let the pictures speak for themselves. But that was basically the extent of my journey. So I think I'm going to go now...

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